NCPD Visit to Musanze

INSPIRED workshop for NCPD Cell Coordinators and Executives


A particularly interesting aspect of organisational development involves information sharing between diverse stakeholders and how the resultant community of learning may ultimately lead to building empathy and mutual respect.

An opportunity to gain insight into a particularly effective cross-functional communications initiative under the VSO Inspired programme recently presented itself via an invitation from the very able District Disability Officer, Hesron Uwitonze and experienced VSO District Disability Advisor, Christiane Merz. Over the past 2 years both have worked tirelessly to roll out workshops and build capacity of Local Authority Executives and NCPD Coordinators in areas such as disability legislation, advocacy and disability mainstreaming.  Hesron and Christiane have touched an impressive number of people and have completed their schedule of addressing all of Musanze’s 15 sectors and 68 cells.

Sylvie Nyirabugenimana, NCPD Disability Friendly Communication Officer and Kirsty Buxbom, NCPD PM Advisor joined two of the ½ day meetings with Cell Executives and NCPD Coordinators to view at first hand how strengthening the communication links is creating a clear line of sight from District, Sector and Cell to the ultimate beneficiaries, PwDs in local communities.

On both days Sylvie presented a pitch to complement the Musanze programme, as she shared the different media channels and topics used by NCPD in their advocacy efforts across Rwanda. The workshop participants took note of the TV, radio stations and publications which regularly feature newsworthy debates of interest to PwD’s and will no doubt be tuning in soon. Sylvie also gave concrete examples of how to address people with considerate communication, particularly those with visual and hearing impairments and mental disability.

Munique Balanza, VSO Disability Advisor from Nyagatare also  gave her contribution on one of the days by leading on a beautiful song using sign language.

The two day trips from Kigali to visit our colleagues in Musanze was yet another example of how the sharing of good practice is better understood when people can meet face to face, a view shared and supported by NCPD Executive Secretary, Emmanuel Ndayisaba.

A huge thanks goes to Hesron and Christiane for accommodating the two NCPD visitors from Kigali and for giving Sylvie time on their agenda to explain and promote disability friendly communication practices.

Onwards and upwards for PwD’s in Musanze District.