From 28 - 29/01/2013 at CENTRE PASTORAL NOTRE DAME FATIMA there was a retreat organized by NCPD with its Stakeholders.

In the welcome Speech, the Executive Secretary of NCPD Mr. Emmanuel NDAYISABA welcomed the participants in the retreat by thank them the initiative taken to be in retreat.

He mentioned that this retreat has been prepared with the following objectives:

-          To share all achievements done in 2012 by all partners

-          To evaluate the impact of activities conducted in 2012

-          To plan the major activities by each partner organization in 2013

-          To discuss on NCPD Strategic Plan 2013-2018

-          To discuss on coordination mechanism of all activities done for PwDs in     Rwanda.


In the official opening of the retreat, the President of NCPD Mr. Gastone RUSIHA started by saying that in the name of Hon. State Minister/MINALOC wishes you a good retreat by knowing a lot your responsibilities and what to do to help PWDs. He says that NCPD should work together with the partners in order to avoid duplications of some activities aimed at promoting Persons with Disabilities in Rwanda.

During the retreat process, the following Stakeholders have presented their achievements done in 2012 and their plans for 2013. Those are National Union of the Disability Organizations of Rwanda (NUDOR), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), Handicap International, Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA), World Vision, Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO), Umbrella of Persons with Disabilities in the Fight Against Aids (UPHLS), Liliane Foundation, Myright-Rwanda, MINISANTE, Plan International, Adventist Development and Relief Agency in Rwanda (ADRA – Rwanda), Care International, National Commission of Human Right(NCHR), National Commission of Children(NCC),Gender Monitoring Officer(GMO) and HUP Gatagara. 

After understanding the achievements in 2012 and the plans in 2013 of NCPD with its Stakeholders, the participants in the retreat come up with the following conclusions, recommendations and suggestions.




-     Knowing that PWDs are in still in big challenges that affect their life and they cannot be solved without categorization of PWDs, as conclusion NCPD President and NCPD Executive Secretary will contact the organs in charge to solve that problem;

-   NCPD should organize a consultative meeting to discuss on some terminologies and advocate at international level   based on UN CONVENTION on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) which can be presented in World Disability Union General Assembly this year 2013;

-   Partners should share their plans/projects to avoid duplication and strengthen collaboration mechanisms in their implementation;

-     NCPD should share the TORs to design the disability mainstreaming guidelines  and make more participative  the process as usual;

-  NCPD should continue advocating for the representation of all categories of PWDs in particular persons with intellectual impairment and psychosocial disability within NCPD structures;

-      NCPD with its Partners recommended to put in a place a technical team that will make follow up of suggestions provided by Hon. Prime Minister during the celebration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities regarding the promotion of rights of PWDs;

-  Disability Coordination Forum Members agreed on establishing Coordination Team that will produce Terms of Reference that will guide Forum in the future;

-      A single action plan format for partners in disability domain has been discussed and agreed. The format should be improved referring to template Immigration office;

      -     National Program on Mainstreaming Disability should be revised                      and       submitted to MINALOC for approval


In the closing speech, the Governor of Northern Province Mr. Aimé BOSENIBAMWE who represented the Hon. State Minister/ MINALOC thanks the NCPD for organization this retreat with its Stakeholders. “It is a good time to work together in order to avoid duplication in your activities”, he said. He thanked also the Government of Rwanda that has created the NCPD as a Council for advocating the problems of PWDs. “You should use this time to help PWDs to raise their standards of living”, he concluded.


Reported by NDIKUMANA Sosthene

Training & Skills Development Officer/NCPD