Students With Disabilities Were Trained on their Rights

From 19-27/05/2014 the National Council of Persons with Disabilities conducted training to the students with disabilities in Universities and High Learning Institutions (UN-CMHS NYAMISHABA, UN-CAVM/ISAE, INES, UR-CASS/UNR, ICK, INATEK, and RTC)to explain rights of persons with disabilities and to discuss their roles to promote them.

5 topics were discussed:

-        Historical Background of disability movement in Rwanda;

-       Laws protecting Persons with Disabilities and its implementation up to now;

-  NCPD 5 Years Strategic Plan and its Operational Planning towards education;

-    Promotion of  entrepreneurship culture and income generating projects through Associations of Students with Disabilities;

-    Understanding how to organize and participate in International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) especially in Universities/ Colleges and High Learning Institutions.

After discussions, students affirmed that the training was so helpful and opened their mind. Those who had not associations committed to create them in order to join their effort in advocating for their rights and to design small projects generating income that may help them during their academic life.