NCPD ended trainings for executive committees

Some of meeting Participants(Photo:NCPD)

In its performance contract 2012-2013, NCPD planned trainings for Executive committee members from National level up to District level. In 10 sessions of 2 days each, NCPD has trained 252 Executive Committee members. Among them, there were 210 from all Districts, 35 from Province and Kigali City and 7 from NCPD Board.The first training held from 17th to 19th September 2012 at Bethany Investment Group and gathered all District Coordinators and then the last session took place from 13th to 14th June 2013.

The overall objective of all these trainings was to raise awareness of Persons with Disabilities for a socio-economic welfare. Participants were provided knowledge and skills in leadership, Executive Committee responsibilities, lobbying and advocacy, law protecting Persons with Disabilities and related Ministerial orders, Community based rehabilitation for social economic welfare of PWDs, planning and reporting. It was also a good time to present to the participants IDPD 2012 achievements.

During trainings, participants discussed on topics taught and any other issues that aim to promote PWDs welfare and came up with some recommendations such as:

  • To advocate for the implementation of all Ministerial orders related to the Law promoting Persons with Disabilities
  • To advocate to MINEDUC so that students with disabilities who finished secondary school get access to high education;
  • To advocate to MINALOC to increase the number of PWDs who are supposed to attend District Council
  • To celebrate the International day of Persons with Disabilities at district level so as to reach community level;

Participants also suggested that they should be Itorero ry’Igihugu for Persons with Disabilities.

According to the Training and Skills Development Officer, Mr. Ndikumana Sosthène, for the next fiscal year 2013-2014, NCPD has prepared training in inclusive education to its executive committee members at Sector level, 420 Cooperative committees of PWDs, and 210 Primary Teachers from Eastern Province and Students with disabilities in Universities and High Learning Institutions.

Reported by:

Nyirabugenimana Sylvie

Disability Friendly Communication Officer/NCPD