The IDPD 2013 will be celebrated in Southern province.


Every year, on 3rd December, the World celebrates the international day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). This year, it will be celebrated under the theme: “Break barriers, open doors: for an inclusive society for all” and in our country, activities to be performed in accordance with the celebration will be focusing on removing barriers in Health sector. This was agreed upon during Disability Coordination Meeting held on 16th August 2013 in Umubano Hotel. Huye District was chosen as an area of National celebration and a steering committee was put in place to organize the event.

Another issue raised in this meeting was about Updating the Rwanda Sign Language. Participants were informed that the big challenge that Rwandan Sign Language users have is the lack of harmonization of this language. To overcome this issue, NCPD plans to elaborate a Rwandan Sign Language Dictionary and it is in this framework that on 22nd August there is a consultative meeting to draw a roadmap of this activity.

The meeting took this opportunity to appreciate the Gold Medal won by MUVUNYI Hermas Cliff in IPC Athletics 2013 held in Lyon in July 2013. The winner told participants that he is preparing other competitions and requested them to support him to win more medals.

Before closing the meeting, participants got information about the progress of categorization of persons with disabilities and Disability mainstreaming guide.

Note that Disability Coordination forum has been initiated as a tool of coordination of activities aimed at the advancement of Persons with disabilities and it meets on quarter basis.

Reported by Sylvie NYIRABUGENIMANA

Disability Friendly Communication Officer/NCPD